Did you know that every thought is a boomerang?  And multiple thoughts on the same subject act like a swarm of boomerangs, all heading back in our direction!

As a society, we’re taught to focus on reality and to tell it like it is.  If we instead try to tell the story about the way we want things to be, we are often accused of being frivolous, having our heads in the clouds or even lying!

Unfortunately, this is the primary reason that society, as a whole, tends to get stuck in negative cycles.  They focus on what is, attract more of what is and then complain about it!  And they so often point to what they attract as being proof that the negative things in life are “true” when all that’s really true is that they’re attracting it by focusing on it.

So, my advice to you, do what successful people do: Ignore society and create new stories for each area of your life.  Describe things they way you want them to be, not the way they are.  Spend some time each day focusing on the new stories and then give Law of Attraction some time to catch up.

In as little as 21 days, you’ll start to see some dramatic changes begin to occur.  Exciting and delighting things will show up from places that you never would have imaged they could come from.

Before long, you will have Proved Your Power To Yourself. Happy manifesting!
