Kevin Young

As an intuitive coach, my passion / purpose is assisting others in empowering themselves by tapping into their innate, intuitive guidance systems.
I work with those in the “intuitive” community, that is, those exploring their intuitive or psychic gifts.
Some want to simply enrich their own lives by living a more present, intuitively guided experience and others want to start or grow a business to offer their services to others.
I seem to attract those who’ve been through difficult challenges but are now ready to move beyond them and explore the bright possibilities that have emerged as a result of those journeys.
If you’re reading this page right now, you probably resonate strongly with this!
I really enjoy creating a safe space for clients to be able to relax, trust, and express themselves without restriction.
Feeling safe also allows a client to work through challenges, discover their strengths, and step into their passion and purpose.
I’ve been through the so-called, “dark night of the soul”, several times myself and so know the path well, having had many coaches, channels, and spiritual guides appear at exactly the right time to help me get through it.
Yet each time I emerged from the darkness, I discovered new confidence, abilities, and a deeper intuitive connection beyond anything I’d experienced before and I want the same thing for my clients!
Although everyone has this powerful guidance within, many are still unaware of it.
My greatest joy comes when someone discovers this amazing power within themselves and then begins creating the life of their dreams!
It just doesn’t get better than that.
My personal journey
My early interest was tech and I received a degree in computer and electronic technology in 1980. Choosing a profession that was intellectual was necessary for me at the time because it helped me avoid feeling my feelings which could be terrifying at times due to childhood traumas. I initially developed software for the automotive industry, including microcontrollers that went into cars and trucks. In 1990, I started my first software consulting business because I knew I had to work for myself. Then, in 2002, I went into IT and started an IT company, servicing the small business and entrepreneurial sectors.
Finding spirituality and love
In 2004, I met my wife, Suzanne, in a meditation class although we were both going through personal challenges at the time so didn’t become serious until 2006. In 2007, we decided to get married and also start our personal development company, Personal Success Programs, to teach the spiritual concepts of The Law of Attraction using emotional guidance.
The life-changing moment
Then, the big moment came in 2008… I was driving home from a client and the right side of my face went numb. It was a weird sensation that eventually went away but when it returned, I decided to see my holistic doctor. He immediately referred me to a neurologist who insisted I get an MRI. What they found was a 2 cm brain tumor growing on the balance nerve behind my right ear which has been putting pressure on my facial nerve.
Fortunately, the tumor was non-cancerous and slow-growing so they said I had time to see if it would go down on its own. I decided to take time to explore hypnotherapy and other holistic healing practices. They helped a bit but eventually, I started getting headaches and the hearing on my right sided began to be affected as well. Plus, the latest MRI showed the tumor was growing again. Not good news!
In fall of 2009, I then decided to have surgery to remove the tumor. The surgery was successful but they could only remove 85% of the tumor because of its proximity to the facial nerve. So for the time, at least I found relief from the pain and facial discomfort.
As the tumor continued its slow-moving assault on my brain, however, the doctor wanted to try a new technology called Stereotactic Radiation which focused 100, low-intensity gamma rays directly on the tumor to remove the remaining 15% left behind from the surgery. The technique involved attaching a “halo” to my head and then putting me into a large machine, similar to an MRI machine. With a few short blasts of gamma rays, which I didn’t even feel, the tumor was destroyed and I was finally free from this manifestation!
What did I learn from this experience?
I could write a book on all the wonderful things that this one experience taught me but here are just a few:
1. I had (unintentionally) created this tumor as a reflection of the anger and resentment I had been carrying most of my life. The book, You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay, was remarkably effective in helping me to understand this. It also helped me start my journey of emotional healing which has not only freed me from many traumas from the past but also improved my health dramatically as a result.
2. The tech business that I had been in all my life was no longer fulfilling me (my heart-based intuition was trying to guide me away from it) but I had been pushing myself to stay with it because it generated a decent income for our family. The more I pushed to stay in such a left-brained industry, the more resentment had built up subconsciously as a result, eventually becoming the tumor.
3. It was my first true experience observing the universal, Law of Attraction, in action. Looking back, there were many, many synchronicities during and after the surgery that led to the perfect unfolding with the best doctors at the best facility and, only 10 minutes from our house! I can now correlate every synchronicity with something I shifted or released in my “vibration” that caused these things to occur.
4. It gave me permission to explore other careers, such as professional coaching, teaching, public speaking, and leading workshops, all of which have proved to be much more satisfying and fulfilling than the tech industry.
5. It gave me permission to explore spirituality and my own, personal connection to my higher self, something I hadn’t even known existed before 2006. The teachings of Abraham-Hicks and other channeled messages have been instrumental in this and it’s now at the center of everything I do.
6. If we just take time for ourselves every day to relax, become present, and connect in with our own, internal guidance, we truly can create any experience that we want in life!
My professional training
Professionally speaking, I’ve been trained under International Coach Academy standards, the worldwide standards body that regulates over 50,000 coaches worldwide.
In 2017, I reached the Professional Certified Coach (PCC) level.
In 2021, I decided not to renew my PCC credential as I wanted to expand my offerings into intuitive development, such as channeling, mediumship, energy healing, etc. I’ve found a strong calling and effectiveness with clients by exploring their emotional guidance, something that isn’t supported by the ICF code of ethics. Sometimes, you have to let go of something in order to remain in integrity which then allows something better to appear!
Everything I do with clients is intended to be forward-focused, supportive and strictly confidential so you can feel safe in opening up when exploring your challenges together.
My job is to help you help yourself grow and then help you create your own systems of accountability so you can maintain your new direction after we’re done working together.
I’m also an experienced trainer in spiritual self-empowerment concepts such as the Law of Attraction (Abraham-Hicks), emotional guidance, intuition and related “inner connection” concepts which we can bring into the sessions.
Assisting you in reconnecting with your innate, Inner Guidance, is always my focus. When that occurs, you can experience rapid growth, clarity, confidence and begin attracting remarkable experiences and opportunities!
Whom I work with as a coach
I work primarily with intuitives, empaths, and highly sensitive individuals (ie, those exploring their spiritual / intuitive connections) who are ready to move beyond their childhood wounds and step into their own brilliant light. Everyone has this internal guidance although many of us have stuffed it down, preferring instead to work from our heads which greatly limits our possibilities.
By learning to open up this natural “flow” state to our higher selves, anything becomes possible. I specialize in helping those who want to open up to this guiding stream of consciousness, either to enhance their personal lives or to go into business, offering it for others. This can include channeling, mediumship, or other energy-based businesses.
I’ve had hundreds of coaching and channelings sessions myself, including with Abraham (6 x hotseat), Wendy Kennedy, Daniel Scranton, Ina Lukas, WEOLA, as well as many private sessions with my own channeling clients during the course of their evolution into channeling. As such, I’ve received a great deal of spiritual guidance around not only my own evolution but also in how to effectively coach and support my clients from a spiritually-aligned perspective.
You can read what my clients have to say about having worked with me below.
I can also provide practical business support for those wanting to either get started or take their spiritually-based businesses to the next level, whatever that is for them. The most successful business people I know have figured out how to trust their “gut”, i.e., their Inner Guidance. I can assist you in tuning to this as well so you can make effective decisions for your business.
With the right support system, anyone can step into being the confident, successful entrepreneur they are. Having owned or partnered in several businesses myself since 1990, I’ve had many experiences that my clients can tap into in order to move through their own challenges.
Business growth almost always requires personal growth which, although necessary, isn’t always comfortable. I’m particularly sensitive and supportive in this area and have assisted clients to successfully navigate through associated relationship changes/losses, standing up for themselves including health challenges.
Book a session now
If you’re ready to get going right now, click below to schedule your first session with me! You’ll be able to select the date/time for your session, share privately what you’d like from your session, and then enter your payment info securely. You’ll then receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link and also reminder emails. For those experiencing financial hardship, please reach out to me and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount coupon for whatever you can afford.
Buy a block of sessions
Because my schedule is limited, this option allows you to purchase a block of weekly sessions that will reserve you a spot on my calendar. This is at my full rate although larger blocks of sessions are offered at a discount.
Pop-up Workshops
I also offer occasional pop-up group workshops on Zoom which offer training and coaching on many topics of interest to our community. This can be a great entry point to intuitive work if you’re not ready for one-on-one coaching. Click below to see what’s available!
Chat before booking anything
If you’re having a hard time deciding what to do next, it’s understandable! Life-changing decisions can feel overwhelming but I’m here to help. Let’s share a free discovery session over Zoom to answer your questions and help you create clarity about what feels best to you.
Learn more about Intuitive Coaching
To learn more about the Intuitive Coaching process and how I might be able to help you on your journey, please head on over to my Intuitive Coaching page.
Send me a message
If you’d like to connect via email, head on over to our contact form and share whatever you’d like with me. I usually respond within 24 hours during the business week.
Free stuff
You can listen to free meditations, teaching workshops, interviews, and more on my YouTube channel. Please Like and Subscribe if you find the content to be useful.
Still more about me
Together with my wonderful and supportive wife, Suzanne Young, we run our coaching and training company, Personal Success Programs. We’ve held workshops together, done speaking engagements, and currently host a global community of intuitives and energy workers called, LightworkerXchange.
I’ve been published in choice, the magazine for professional coaches a number of times. You can read the articles below.
I’ve been a member of the local ICF Michigan chapter and have taught online continuing education sessions for them.
In 2018, Suzanne and I hosted an internet radio program on the network called, Trusting Your Inner Guidance, where we discussed various, spiritually-based self-empowerment topics, such as the Law of Attraction.
If you’d like to listen in on some of the interviews we’ve done over the years, head on over to our Interviews page.
Benefits that clients have reported after having worked with me
- Renewed self-confidence and increased self-awareness
- Released money “shame” issues and now has money in the bank
- Wonderful and fulfilling relationships; successfully got through divorce
- Improved health, more strength, less medications
- Feeling more centered and balanced
- Opened up to infinite guidance / the still small voice within
- Stepped into channeling in front of an audience in a single month
- Increased sales of 30% within 90 days
- Secured a contract job paying $500/day
- New job offers with significant salary increase
- Can now find peace in any situation
- Major sales increase (up to 7 figures)
- Attracting “perfect” clients after only one coaching session
- Improved clarity and confidence in goals and decision-making
- Successful new business launch
- Improved working relationships, time management and attitude
- Moved past “stuckness” and gained quick momentum towards business goals
What clients have said about working with me
- “You are very easy to talk with and I never feel judged or criticized. You help me find my own solutions and then help me move forward with them. I really enjoy our coaching sessions!” ~ C.Z.
- “My life is absolutely improving and expanding as a result of our time together. I’m hooked on your coaching!” ~ L.C.
- “Kevin is an excellent coach; he is non-judgmental, compassionate, genuine, understanding, and he ‘gets me’. Since I’ve started coaching with Kevin I’ve had some very significant awareness as well as many ‘A-Ha!’ moments.” ~ R.L.
- “I love the reassurance and confidence he instills in me. He is very gracious with his words he is very genuine when he listens and asks questions. After sessions with Kevin I feel more confident to handle any situation and in particular the one’s we’ve discussed. His alignment with coaching allows others to step into their own personal alignment!” ~ E.D.
- “Kevin truly has a gift to bring out the best in people. He is encouraging, insightful, kind, yet tough when it’s needed.” ~ M.B.
- “Kevin was fantastic at listening beyond my words and getting to the essence of what I was communicating. My intention was to feel ‘on fire’ by the end of the call–and I definitely am!!” ~ L.J.
- “I was amazed at how much clarity I got in the space of 30 minutes. Within that call, I actually formulated the structure of a session I would give, and I decided to put out the call for coaching clients to work with me for free while I gain more experience and fine tune my offering. I ended up with a very practical plan to get me moving. So thank you, Kevin!” ~ E.Y.
- “Had an amazing coaching session with Kevin yesterday that was very helpful. A good coaching session to me is one where I’m open and willing to explore all aspects of myself in a safe, encouraging, loving environment. And Kevin holds that space so well. By the end of the call I realized that I have everything I need:) Thank you Kevin!!!!” ~ J.J.
- “One of the ways I was abundantly paid yesterday was through a masterful laser coaching session with Kevin Young, where I committed to expressing my authentic self in the world. I have been experiencing a new found influx of ENERGY as I’ve been doing that!!!! Wow!” ~ G.B.
- “Ho. Ly. Crap. I just had the BEST coaching session EVER and I can’t possibly go another minute without shouting it from the rooftops! My gas tank was completely empty. As if by magic, in about 30 minutes Kevin had me totally turned around to feeling utterly inspired after so many huge ah-ha’s and profound emotional releases that I lost count. Amazing! He’s like a ninja. Wow. ” ~ L.J.
- “GOD FREAKIN LOVE YOU, Kevin Young <3” ~ C.L.J.
- “I love the safe place that you offered in your coaching! It’s just not a safe place but with you I threw a little bit of my guts out on the pavement and you picked it up gently and I felt safe so I was safe to throw more of my guts out and know that it was a sacred place. I’m blown away with how kind and intuitive and brilliant you are. Thank you for giving to me what I couldn’t have gotten for myself. I am abundantly greatfulllll!” ~ L.C.
- “I think what touched me most was how well you listened, your powerful questioning and the calls to action. You are definitely a powerful coach!” ~ B.S.
- “Of course, life just keeps getting better and better for me. 🙂 Every aspect of my life is exciting. The business is rockin’, as usual. My corporate revenue was $665K! Wow. $476K was just [from my primary products]. I’m having fun with the same hot guy I mentioned in October. I love the yacht club and sports club. My social life continues to blossom. New friendships developing all the time. Several from my Abraham Meetup group. I’m looking for a bigger office. I definitely need more space. My lease is up in May. Can you believe it! Two year lease is up in May. Wow. My stretch revenue goal for this year is $1 million! LOL. My million dollar business is just around the corner. I really appreciate being able to celebrate my successes by reflecting on our coaching. I often think back on specific sessions and realize I’m manifesting in ways I could barely imagine back then. The power of clarity is enormous. I wake up happy and eager every single day.” ~ L.C.
A few articles where I’ve been published
NOTE: These articles are published in, and reproduced with permission from, choice, the magazine of professional coaching:
Other ways to connect with me
Facebook: @IntuitiveCoachKevin
Instagram: @IntuitiveCoachKevin
Facebook group: @LightworkerXchange
YouTube: @IntuitiveCoachKevin
Web: (this page)