A common misconception of Law of Attraction is that our thoughts are actually creating our physical reality.  Sort of like, if I just imagine a new car hard enough then the molecules will spontaneously assemble right in front of my eyes to create that new car.

There’s actually some truth to this if you recall the Observer Effect from Quantum Mechanics.

However, a better way to look at Law of Attraction is as a giant magnet that attracts things that are vibrating at the same frequency towards each other.  Thoughts are also affected by this attraction process.

It’s similar to when you tune to a specific station on your radio.  There can be dozens of stations broadcasting their signals but the only one you can hear is the one that you have your dial set to.  We call this alignment.

So, the trick is to keep your mental “dial” set on what you want and then watch as Law of Attraction magically causes you to rendezvous with things, people, places and circumstances that match it!