We all have seeds of greatness in us and the way I look at it is, the seeds are your thoughts.  So let’s imagine that our mind is like a garden.

My older sister loves flowers and for at least 15 years I’ve watched her enjoy gardening as a wonderful hobby and stress reliever.  She carefully designs the size and shape of her flower beds and then purposefully selects what kind of seeds she wants to plant so the resulting flowers that eventually blossom are as beautiful as she imagined and designed it to be. All season long she waters it and applies fertilizer.  She works continually and diligently on her hands and knees, pulling out weeds and keeping wild critters away from the garden. (Rabbits love to eat tulips!)

As adults we may be experiencing a life that feels and looks like a garden that’s gotten out of control.  We see ourselves being suffocated by an overgrowth of seemingly uncontrollable weeds. (the economy, our job, our friends, spouses, partners, and children etc.) This began happening to me about 7 years ago when I experienced a life altering event (you know, the kind that makes you feel miserable when you’re going through it!)  Even though I had learned how to be successful in business, when it came to having a successful marriage relationship, I realized that the seeds I had been planting in my mind were actually weeds!

I made a clear and definite purpose to begin filling my mind up with new positive, hopeful, good feeling thoughts.  I read books and listened to CDs from all the different varieties of successful people I could expose myself to.  There have been hundreds of authors throughout my life that have enhanced my life with knowledge and wisdom.  During this difficult time 7 years ago, my three favorite authors that helped me learn about the power of my thoughts were Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Ester and Jerry Hicks.

The words I poured into my mind began to nurture me and I slowly cultivated a new and wonderful life.  You can too!
